We are aware of this issue, which can be resolved by reinstalling V9.92 plugins or contacting Tech Support. For this reason, installing a newer version alongside V9 may cause temporary loss of access to V9 plugins on systems that support both versions.To run V9 side by side with a newer version, please install version 9.92. Software versions earlier than 9.92 cannot co-exist with software versions above V10.If you experience unusually high CPU consumption from Waves Plugins V14 and above while using a non-Intel CPU and Windows, learn how to enable MKL optimization to improve CPU performance.Windows 10 64 bit (Pre-2004) is not supported with software version 14.0.RAM: Grand Rhapsody’s & Bass Finger’s minimal RAM required is 16 GB (and not 8GB, as generally described for all plugins).Specific information available on each instrument’s page. Waves Instruments: Additional disk-space may be required for sample libraries.COSMOS Sample Finder & StudioRack: Intel processors must be Gen 5 or above and support AVX.AMD processors lower than Ryzen 9 are not supported.Supported on Intel processors Gen 6 and above.Intel Xeon processors are not supported.Mac: Intel Xeon-E processors are not supported

Clarity Vx / Pro and Clarity Vx DeReverb / Pro:.Operating systems installed on external hard drives are not tested and may not be fully functional with our software. Waves Plugins and applications are supported and tested on operating systems installed on the built-in system hard drive.If you experience unusually high CPU consumption from Waves Plugins V14 and above while using a non-Intel CPU on Windows, learn how to enable MKL optimization to improve CPU performance.

Recommended screen resolution for Flow Motion, Bass Slapper and Bass Fingers: 1920x1080. Screen Resolution: SSL E-Channel, SSL G-Channel, Element, Codex, Dorrough, Flow Motion, Bass Slapper and Bass Fingers require minimum screen resolution 1280x1024 / 1600x1024.Waves plugins are officially supported on up to two screens in third-party DAWs and host applications.To check if a plugin exists in an older version, scroll to the bottom of the older version's download page.Multiple versions of Waves plugins (for example v13 and v14) should be able to work on the same system (as long the system supports each of those versions)-but please note that we no longer test or officially support this scenario.